In a time where the headlines focus on infections and casualties, it’s easy to forget that a single, trusting relationship can be the start to a safer community.
Travis is an active man; accomplished trick biker and skate boarder, he also works at the local golf club. He loves to be outdoors and moving. It’s safe to say, if the suns out, so is Travis.
With the March 2020 shelter in place order, restrictions were placed on everything Travis loves most. No hanging with his buddies, or work, and strict limitations placed on outdoor activities. Against the advice and ongoing encouragement from staff, Travis continued to venture out into the community.
Abdikani Malak has been a Direct Support Professional at PSRS for over 12 years, and has worked as overnight staff for Travis for many of those years. They have a bond and a trust that is hard earned after almost a decade together. Abdi started coming to the house on his day off to show Travis how to social distance, how to protect himself if he is out, and reassuring him that he is there to support and help protect Travis.
At first, Travis still went out but he started wearing a mask and disinfecting his bike and himself when he returned home. Because of Abdi’s diligence, Travis has now stayed home for three consecutive weeks and counting! And as restrictions ease, Travis will be supported to follow the recommended/required guidelines to keep himself safe as well as others.
Due to Abdi's persistence and trusting care provider relationship, and because of Travis' willingness to follow rules that have been so hard for us all, not only is the community safer for Travis but for everyone else. A little trust goes a long way.