Farewell Theresa
Theresa has been with PSRS for over 24 years! She started in the field providing direct support and is currently on our financial services team. She has been a leader, a trusted and reliable co-worker, and an advocate for those we support - she has given PSRS so many valuable years. We wanted to make sure Theresa knew how she will be remembered, and how much she will be missed.
From long time friend and team member Lisa Martin: I wanted to take a moment to share something about a woman who means so much to me and has taught me a lot over the years. Theresa Helm-Buckman and I have worked together for over 24 years, starting as direct support staff, and then again when I moved to the role of Financial Services Manager (FSM). When I joined the FSM team Theresa was there to teach me all the details of our clients’ financials. It is from her expertise that I have learned so much more than I could have imagined.

Like clockwork, every morning Theresa is there to greet me with a “Good Morning” and a friendly chat before we start work. We are always joking with each other and sharing many laughs! Laugher is the best medicine for our friendship and a tough day. Theresa’s office is right next to mine and it will be hard when it soon becomes empty. I will greatly miss our daily routine. (Sniff) But, with sadness comes the happiness in celebrating Theresa’s retirement. I am very happy for Theresa to be retire and enjoy her newly found free time working on her hobbies and taking walks with her dog and Grand-dogs. I wish her the best of luck and will miss her very much.
Executive Director Chad Higman is thankful for everything Theresa has done for PSRS, the people we support, families, staff, and her team. She has made a lasting impact upon this organization and the way we provide services. Theresa has always approached her work with a professionalism and diligence that is unmatched – she is meticulous in her work, and collaborative in her approach with her team. Nineteen year ago PSRS realized we needed someone dedicated to managing client finances - as a direct care staff. Theresa stepped up to the challenge and became the first ever Client Financial Manager at PSRS. There was no better person on earth for this job. She was, and continues to be, a rock star of client financial management and accounting. Theresa is going forward in life to do many things she enjoys, and while she will not be physically present at PSRS, her work over the past 24 years will positively impact everyone PSRS supports and employs well into the future. I want to say Thank You For Everything.

Director of Client Services Jeff Couture has thoroughly enjoyed working with Theresa over the last several years. She is well organized, a hard worker, and a great advocate. I am thankful for her service to PSRS and hope she enjoys retirement!
Director of HR Alisha Martin had this to say: Theresa is such a kind, respectful, patient, and caring individual and as a co-worker I couldn’t have been luckier to work with her over the past 9+ years. I will truly miss seeing her every day!
Director of Supported Living Paul Anliker writes: It has been such a pleasure working with Theresa throughout all the years I have been here. She is such a warm, wonderful person. I will miss her being around the office sharing her friendly smile.
Director of Fiscal Operations and Theresa's direct supervisor Glen Turner shares this: Theresa always keeps one looking for the appropriate answer. This strength is delivered with compassion and support while making sure our clients are the center of the question. Her natural ability to keep on track with the systems in place has fulfilled expectations and resulted in comprehensive services for those we support. This legacy will be missed but most of all she will be missed. She is a delightful person mixing easily with all she meets. I will miss having her available to answer the questions I have no answers for. She is a gem!